Msc environmental protection
zookeeping advanced certificate
certificate in communication for conservation
horse riding instructor legitimation
horse riding, ecology, wildlife conservation, environmental protection, animals, laboratory, pharma
Enfer Group Naas 03.03.2023-11.05.2023 BVD technician -veterinary PCR testing ear notches from calves
TSE Enfer G. 10.01.2022-03,06.2022 with same company -lab technician veterinary testing bovine, ovine brain obex with ELISA
IGSL Naas 07.06.2022-25.11.2022 Ground technical Investigations Geotechnical Services- lab technician mechanical soil testing for engineers
Nuscana Biotechnics Mrowino Poznan Poland 02.12.20219-15.04.2020 internship microbiology- food testing, allergens, Salmonella, Listeria, Escherichia c. Cronobacter etc., fatty acids, mycotoxins, nutritional value, fodder, drugs, viruses